especially for later stage cancers

01/06/2015 11:09:23 AM PSTClick photo to enlargeMiddle school students sample two varieties of persimmons in Fort Bragg Middle School's Grow the Good Garden greenhouse.

Based on legal precedent over how the courts view college athletes, many sports law experts have expressed doubts that players will succeed in forming a union. William Gould,, a former NLRB chairman, has said he thinks athletes have a better case than the graduate assistants.

The service will begin with young children adorned with the headgear of angels, shepherds, and wise men presenting these gifts of food to the Christ child to the accompaniment of the congregation singing corresponding Christmas carols.

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Q: What抯 up with the controversy about breast cancer screening?A: Many factors must be considered to evaluate a screening test:- How common is the disease being screened for? The more common it is,, the more people there are that potentially may benefit from screening.- Are there subsets of the population that have an increased risk for the disease being screened for? If this is the case, screening might only be indicated in some people.- Are there any risks from the screening test? The risk of screening may affect the benefit/risk evaluation. For example, the procedure for colon cancer screening (colonoscopy) carries a small, but non-zero,Vancouver, risk of complication; however the benefit has been determined to outweigh this small risk.- What are the consequences of the condition if it is not detected,michael kors outlet online, and what are the benefits from early detection? If screening identifies a risk factor,, early treatment might prevent or improve the outcome of the condition; for example screening for cholesterol and blood pressure can prevent or slow the progression of cardiovascular disease. For many cancers,she previously served as chie, early detection can improve outcomes.- Is the screening cost effective? The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) looks at many factors, including the cost per quality-adjusted year of life saved (QALY).- Other factors.How does all this apply to breast cancer? Breast cancer is the most common non-skin cancer diagnosed in women, and behind lung cancer it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women. In the U.S. breast cancer is diagnosed in over 200,000 women annually, and sadly it claims the lives of approximately 40,coach outlet store online,000; it is a very common disease. About 90 percent of all breast cancer cases are spontaneous,000 so far. In December,hollister co, meaning they arise from a combination of risk factors (some of which are known and some that remain unknown) that alter the breast cell抯 DNA to cause mutations that lead to cancer. So although about 5 percent to 10 percent of all breast cancer cases are due to a genetic predisposition,lv bags, screening only these patients would miss the overwhelming majority of all breast cancer cases.Mammography, the standard initial screening for breast cancer in most women, utilizes ionizing radiation. However, the risk of the low levels of radiation needed for this test is very small. Other adjunctive screening modalities, such as ultrasound and MRI, are thought to carry even more minimal risks.Many cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS),and is now tied for 22nd with New Hampshire., which accounts for about 25 percent of all breast cancers diagnosed in the U.S., may be self-limited and not progress to cause problems. This has brought up the question as to whether breast cancer is being "over-diagnosed." Unfortunately, there is presently no completely reliable way to distinguish which cases of DCIS will become life threatening and which will not. This has created some of the controversy surrounding breast cancer screening.Page 2 of 2 - The five-year survival rate for stage 1 breast cancer (the earliest stage) is 90 percent to 100 percent, but the five-year survival for stage 4 (where the cancer has already spread outside the breast and lymph nodes to other distant places on the body) may be as low as 25 percent; the benefit of diagnosing breast cancer early is quite clear. Furthermore, some early stage disease may be treated less invasively, for example by lumpectomy (often with adjuvant radiation therapy) rather than mastectomy; this additional option is very important for many women. However, as treatments improve,lv outlet, especially for later stage cancers,tory burch outlet online, the benefits of screening may actually become less.The cost effectiveness of breast cancer screening has been extensively evaluated. It is generally accepted that a screening test which has cost per QALY of less than $100,000 is cost effective, and breast cancer screening has been determined to be significantly less costly than this.Another question is how often and at what age women should be screened. There are many factors to consider: for example,, a younger woman may have a lower risk of breast cancer, but if cancer is detected,, the QALY saved is higher. How rapidly breast cancer develops,, and therefore how frequently screening is required to identify the disease in earlier stages where treatments are more effective, must also be evaluated.The conclusion: breast cancer screening saves many lives. In fact,, the majority of breast cancers diagnosed in the U.S. are a result of screening and there is more evidence supporting the benefits of breast cancer screening than there is for screening of any other kind of cancer. Women should see their healthcare provider to determine what screening is best for them.Jeff Hersh, Ph.D., M.D.,hollister clothing, can be reached at .?/blockquote>